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Monday, 8 August 2011

Fear for London as Riots Spread to Brixton

After the horrific riot scenes in Tottenham, North London, more riots broke out in Brixton on Sunday night. It started after a planned street party in Brixton that ended at 7pm. Attendants claimed Brixton centre had a very heavy police presence. But police failed to notice more people coming than going when the street party ended. Quickly riots broke out, Mcdonalds, then Footlocker then Nando's was attacked. Tesco's was evacuated, night buses, cars and industrial bins were vandalised and burnt. One resident, named Laura, living in the middle of the riots was having a nice night out with colleagues at the local 'music bar' when she was met with a line of riot police. Amongst others she rang 999, and was told that the police were 'very busy.' Like many residents Laura was kept up until 3am by helicopters, alarms and shouting. In her pajamas, at the site of smoke billowing into her flat she went outside to converse with riot police. Laura, whilst in plain view of looters smashing windows and starting fires, was told to 'F**k off and go home.' By riot police. Asking what they think she should do, they said 'Go home and lock your door.' the resident did, and later listened as thugs tried to break down her gate but were unsuccessful. Laura said 'it was really scary, and the police were pathetic, beyond pathetic.' Brixton was left looking like a bomb site and public transport halted. It seems the recent government cut backs on police is having a devastating effect on the capital, as opportunistic criminals spread riots causing terror for London residents, employees and businesses, as the police struggle to contain the violence.

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