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Monday, 30 January 2012

Don't be a Journalist

Is the advice given by Information commissioner; Christopher Graham, to journalists lacking good judgment. Thursday at the Leveson Inquiry, Mr Graham claimed that if journalists can’t make calls as to what stories should be pursued illegally, in the public interest, not to be one. Mr Graham who is against statutory press regulation said: ‘the punishment should fit the crime’ as ‘self-regulation will only survive if it’s credible.’ When asked about the current fines system.
Tension also arose when News International representative, Mr Davies, questioned Mr Graham on bail-outs for journalists when information is gained via other law-breakers. Rather ‘heated’ Mr Graham replied: ‘you’ve got so many privileges and exemptions now I understand you’re coming back for more!!’ Rebuking news internationals claims for ‘reductions’ and ‘special cases’. When asked about the proposed custodial sentences for media workers Mr Graham said journalists who gain information unlawfully should be ‘accountable for it.’
Next to be questioned in the Inquiry are search engine Google and the National Union of Journalists. Monday is the deadline for written submissions of evidence for the inquiry.